

2015. augusztus 27., csütörtök

Iskolarendszer (altalanos iskola)...School system (primary school)...

Caio augusztusban kezdte el itt az iskolat, a teli szunet utan folytatva az elso osztalyt. Braziliaban az allami altalanos iskolak alacsony szinvonala miatt a legtobb gyerek maganiskolaba jar es mi is egy ilyenbe irattuk be Caiot.

A tanev itt februarban kezdodik, juliusban van egy honap teli szunet, a nyari szunet pedig december kozepetol februar elejeig tart. Az alapoktatas Braziliaban 6-14 eves kor kozott tortenik es az altalanos iskolakban ket reszre oszlik: also- es felsotagozatra (Ensino Fundamental I es Ensino Fundamental II).

Caio februarban lesz tehat masodikos, es az ETAPA oktatasi rendszer szerint tanul. A Sistema ETAPA egyike azon oktatasi rendszereknek amely szerint az itteni maganiskolak felepitik a tananyagot es egy kidolgozott modszer alapjan tanitjak a diakokat. Sajat tankonyveik vannak, amelyek illeszkednek az iskola filozofiajahoz, ugyanakkor kovetik az allami tantervet is. (Legjobban az otthoni "hagyomanyos", Waldorf vagy Montessori stb...iskolakhoz tudnam hasonlitani)

Tobbfele oktatasi rendszer letezik az ETAPA mellett, peldaul az Anglo (Sistema Anglo de Ensino), a COC (Sistema COC de Ensino), SEP (Sistema de Ensino Poliedro), vagy a Sistema de Ensino Objetivo stb...

Az, hogy melyik oktatasi modszer a legjobb az tobb dologtol is fugg, mert nemcsak a tananyag felepitese szamit, hanem a tanaroktol es maguktol a gyerekektol (az o kepesseguktol) is nagyban fugg, hogy mennyire sikeresen vegzik el az iskolat es kerulnek be felsooktatasi intezmenybe. Arban is vannak kulonbsegek, az Anglo tipusu iskolak viszonylag magas helyen allnak a tovabbtanult gyerekek szamat illetoen es dragabbak is mint az Etapa peldaul.

A kulonbseget az adja, hogy az Anglo tipusu rendszerben a gyerekeket elso osztalytol kezdve celiranyosan a kesobbi egyetemi felvetelikre keszitik fel, azaz az evek folyaman kifejezetten olyan tipusu feladatokat es teszteket kapnak amelyek majd mind a sikeres felvetelit celozzak meg.

Az ETAPA rendszer atfogo ismereteket nyujt minden tantargybol es csak az utolso egy-ket evet szanjak a felsooktatasba valo bekerules elosegitesere. Caio iskolajaban eszerint folyik az oktatas, de peldaul a Nemzetkozi Kenguru Matematikaversenyen (amelyben 47 orszag diakja versenyez egymassal, koztuk Magyarorszag is), iden az iskola harom diakja nyert egy arany es ket bronz ermet.

Az elsosok oktatasa ebben az evben foleg az iras/olvasasra koncentral, emellett van matematika, tortenelem, multimedia, kornyezetismeret, angol valamint penzugyi es vallalkozasi ismeretek (errol nincs konyvuk de gondolom itt is szamolnak, csak "penz nyelven" illetve tanulnak a penz ertekerol). Iden a capoeria is resze az orarendjuknek, bar Caio ezt nem szereti annyira, mivel mindig csak ket ember "harcol" egymassal a kor kozepen, a tobbiek meg tapsolnak, Caio pedig szegyenlos bemenni a kor kozepere, o inkabb egyelore csak tapsolna :-)

Az iskolaban a hangulat jo es Caio szeret odajarni. Melissanak hivjak a tanitonenit es o is nagyon kedves a gyerekekkel; jo brazil szokas szerint sok-sok puszit kap mindegyik. 
Az elsosok delutan jarnak iskolaba, 1 oratol este 6-ig. Itt a tanitasi ido harom reszre van osztva, reggel, kora delutan es este. Igy az iskolak tobb diakot tudnak oktatni, es kevesebb tantermet kell nekik fenntartani (ha peldaul a felsosok reggel, az alsosok pedig delutan jarnak suliba)

Caionak lassan alakul a barati kore is, bizonyos nevek elkezdtek ismetlodni otthon, igy gondolom azokkal a gyerekekkel van a legtobbet.

Nincsenek tantargyankent kulon konyveik, van egy munkafuzetuk, amley tobb tantargyat is tartalmaz, valamit egy kulon fuzetben hetente tobbszor is kapnak hazi feladatot. Ezen a heten harom felmerot is irnak portugal nyelvbol, matekbol, a harmadik pedig diktalas lesz. 


Caio returned back to school at the beginning of August, just after winter holiday. 

The academic year starts in early February and the first term of the year runs through until the end of June. Winter holiday lasts for one month in July and the second term starts at the beginning of August.  This term then continuous until early December when summer / Christmas holiday starts.
In Brazil it is mandatory for children to go to school from age 6 to 14. These compulsory nine years is called Fundamental Education (Ensino Fundamental) and are divided into two levels: Ensino Fundamental I and Ensino Fundamental II.

As the quality of state schools are quiet low here, most of the people send their kids into private schools. There are loads of private schools to chose from and prices differ depending on what the school can provide. 
Within the private school system, numerous pedagogies can be found from which to choose a child`s educational direction. These systems are largely based on existing European models and essentially focus on the degree of attention placed on the arts and humanities versus scientific and technical subjects. 

So, Caio is going to finish Year 1 in December then will start the second year in February. He studies in ETAPA system which is one of the education groups in Brazil and offers quality education from kindergarten to college. 
There are several educational systems in Brazil for instance Anglo (Sistema Anglo de Ensino), COC (Sistema COC de Ensino), SEP (Sistema de Ensino Poliedro), or Sistema de Ensino Objetivo etc...

Choosing the most appropriate school depends on many factors. Whether the philosophy of the school is in line with the parents` notion, the ability of the child, parents` financial condition, the school`s attitudes toward disciplinary measures and the rigidity of teaching methods  etc... 

Regardless of the system, be it public or private, most schools divide their school hours into three sessions, from 7am - 12pm, from 1pm - 6pm and from 6pm - 10pm. A child attend one session per school a day. This year Caio goes to school from 1pm - 6pm. 
This system is usually implemented in order to cope with the number of children enrolled and gives the opportunity to the schools to teach young children during one session, with the older children taking over the spaces at different times, or vice-versa. 

I found Caio`s school environment pretty much friendly; kids like going to school and the general atmosphere is very good. In Year 1 they focus on writing and reading mainly but they also study maths, Portuguese language, English, history of Brazil, geography, science and financial basics. 
Capoeira is also included in their timetable however currently it is not Caio`s favorite activity since  the focus is usually on the two "fighters" who are in the middle of a circle and Caio is too shy now to be in the center of attention :-)

He started to build some friendships within the class and some names began to be repeated at home so I guess those are the kids he spends most of his time. 

Just as in UK, they don't carry numbers of books per each subjects to school; Caio has an exercise book which includes more subjects and another one for weekly homework. This week they have three tests, one from Portuguese language, then writing skills and maths. 

penzugyek gyerekeknek / finance for kids

2015. augusztus 26., szerda

Morzsak...Just thinking...

A heten kicsit lehult a levego es a homerseklet most olyan 21-23 fok kozott van. Esik is majdnem minden nap, olyan igazi europai ertelemben vett oszies idojaras vette kezdetet. Mivel most eppen nagyon hasonlo homerseklet van Europaban is (Gyongyos: 24 fok, London: 18 fok) igy teljesen olyan erzesem van, mintha itt is a veget jarna a nyar, nemsokara kezdodik az osz, majd bekoszont a tel. Lassan keszulni kell a hidegre, a fagyokra, mindenszentekre es a karacsonyra. Rovidulnek a nappalok, mas lesz a szaga a levegonek, a lakasban a radiator folyamatosan meleg uzemmodba kerul, kint az utcan delutantol mar felhomaly lesz, lassan az egesz varos elkezdi feldisziteni magat a kozelgo karacsony alkalmabol, majd jonnek az ujevi buli szervezesek. Majd az unnepek utan harom honap alomkorsag, ami marcius vegere mar az elviselhetetlenseg hatarat surolja. Meg mindig messze van a nyar, a tavasz pedig csak nem akar megerkezni, meg mindig hideg van, meg mindig fuj a szel, oraatallitas, de megis, olyan lassan nyulnak hosszabra a nappalok! Londonban, ha szerencsenk van, kapunk egy kis meleget a nyaron, ha nem, akkor a nyar megint a szeles, 20-24 fokot fogja jelenteni. Magyarorszagon ebbol a szempontbol jobb a helyzet, ott nagy eselye lesz a gatyarohaszto melegnek.

De miutan ezt igy vegig gondolom rogton el is ont a boldogsag, hogy dehogy! Itt a tavasz meg csak most kezdodik, a nyar is meg odebb van, es meg csak most lett vege a telnek!! Huhuu! Nincs tobb hideg, nincs tobb fagy, nincs tobb fejtores, hogy milyen unalmas lesz bezarva lenni a lakasba a hidegebb napokon, nincs tobb depressziv gondolat, lecsokkent energia, altalanos nyomottsag. Jon a nyar! Nemsokara olyan meleg lesz, mintha az utcan is befutottek volna, az ember arnyektol arnyekig vonszolja magat a forro aszfalton es az uszomedence vize sem tunik hidegnek tobbe, az ocean vize is melegszik, lassan az ember inkabb csak es kizarolag a vizben toltene szabad orait mintsem barhol, ahova eler a nap perzselo sugara.
Alig varom mar. Nem banom ha sut, nem banom ha eget, csak jo meleg legyen. Masok a szagok, mas a levego, vihar elott vagy utan, de minden olyan nyari. Lehet, hogy napkozben nem fogok az utcan szaladgalni, de este, mikor mar nincs keteve a borom az egeto sugaraknak, viszont a levego meg mindig olyan forro es paras, hogy egy perc alatt leizzad az ember, de jol fog esni a seta a kertben es a medence korul! A szel valahonnan mindig a frissen sult barbeque illatat hozza, a kabocak valami orult hangosan nyomjak, a levego luktet, gyerekek kiabalnak, felnottek nevetnek, megy az elet, vidamsag van. 

Milyen jo, hogy ez mind-mind meg csak most kezdodik, es lehet ra szamitani, nem pedig a naptari nyar elso napjatol a napokat, heteket szamolni, hogy vajon lesz-e, es ha igen, meddig tart a jo ido, vajon lesz-e eleg napsuteses hetvege es eleg tartalek a telre. Itt biztosan jonni fog a meleg, beindulnak a ventillatorok, mar egy poloban es shortban is tuloltozottnek erzi magat az ember de a hangulat jo, az emberek vidamak, estenkent es hetvegente a tengerpart es a setaloutcak tele vannak, es ha mast nem, hat kint az erkelyen is el lehet tolteni egy-egy estet zenevel a hatterben.

Alig varom mar, tenyleg.


This week the temperature slightly dropped and it is now between 21-23 degrees with some rain every day. It is very similar to the current weather in Europe (London: 18 degrees) so I have the impression that summer is getting over here too and warm days will be soon replaced by cold and rain. At this point of the year I start feeling Xmas spirit in the air already even if it is a bit far but bad weather sometimes makes me feel like this. 
So it came to my mind that soon we have to start preparing for the winter period, Halloween and Xmas are coming, company Christmas parties will be began to organize (though I never went to even one). After 21st July dusk arrives 1 minute earlier than the day before making daylight hours 1 hour shorter within just two months.
Days will be soon short and nights will be long, the smell of the air changes, heaters in the flat will be continuously on and soon we have to get used to winter twilight which lasts till March. 
By that time my energy level usually drops to almost zero and cannot wait for summer really. I am sleepy all the time, live on coffee only, walking like a lunatic moon-walker and just can`t see the bright side of life. In the UK if we were not lucky, the real warm summer never arrived which was a disaster as there were not enough source to fill my energy bag for another winter period which pushed me into depression and absolutely lack of motivation. I just existed but didn't feel alive.

So now, when all of the above came to my mind, a sudden chills of happiness comes and racing down my spine. Yeeyyy! This year all of the above just won`t exist anymore!! No more cold and wind, no more twilight, no more depression! Summer hasn't even started yet, the best part is yet to come! Soon I am going to feel as if my skin was on fire from the sun every time I leave the flat. Soon the air gets balmy and hot and I feel like going out for a short walk every evening or just staying at the balcony to enjoy the warm and listen the loud chirr of cicadas. I cannot wait to spend lots of time around the swimming pool and in the ocean. I would like to be tired of the hot and feel myself filled in with energy and joy.

What summer brings me? Excitement, inspiration, memories, relaxation, greatness, water, music, fun, the smell of the BBQ, the smell of the beach mixing with the smell of sun lotion cream, energy, sweating and just living in the moment. 

I just really cannot wait to have this all again. 

2015. augusztus 19., szerda


A napokban anyummal beszelgettunk lekvarokrol, joghurtokrol es akkor jutott eszembe, hogy osszegyujtom ide az olyan gyumolcsizesitesu joghurtokat amiket itt ettem eletemben eloszor, van egy par.


The other day I was chatting about jams and yogurts with my mum and I thought I would collect here that types of fruit-flavored yogurts (I love yogurts!) I tasted only in Brazil. There are plenty of them.

mezes-narancs, alma, banan-zabpehely / orange-honey, apple and banana with oatmeal

eper, maracuja es lime / strawberry, maracuja, lime




avokado, citrom / avocado and lemon

2015. augusztus 18., kedd

Zeca Pagodinho koncert!!...Zeca Pagodinho show!!...

Mar honapok ota vartam tukon ulve a Zeca Pagodinho koncertet, mert nagyon szeretem a szamait es kulon orom volt, hogy Santosban lepett fel a hetvegen. Tobbek kozott azert is voltam nagyon feldobva, mert hihetetlen volt, hogy akinek a koncertjeit olyan sokaig (evekig) neztem a YouTube-on, Europaban, az most itt volt eloben, par tiz meterre tolem. (Talan egyszer Jorge Aragao-t is meglatom eloben, szinpadon, mindenesetre rajta tartom a szemem koncertnaptarjan.)
Nem nagyon birom (mar) a tomeget, igy inkabb az egyik lelaton foglaltunk asztalt, de mivel csak 4 szemelyes helyek voltak, igy elhivtunk egy barati hazaspart, Luizt es Elit is. 
Aznap Caiot elvittuk a nagyszuleihez, hogy ott toltse az ejszakat, es megkertuk Melt, hogy o is aludjon ott, hogy Caionak legyen tarsasaga.

A koncert este 10-re volt kiirva, ami persze meg csak az elozenekart jelentette. A Grupo Tempero gyakorlatilag egy teljes koncertet nyomott le bemelegiteskent, ugyanis fel 11-tol fel 1-ig voltak a szinpadon, de a hangulat nagyon jo volt, es az elozenekar alatt kezdett csak megtelni a csarnok.

Az alabbi videon egy lelkes resztvevo szinten bemelegit, a bacsinak benne van a bugi a lababan rendesen :-)


Mar majdnem 1 ora volt, mire Zeca Pagodinho a szinpadra lepett es hozta a formajat, volt mellette az asztalon a pohar bor es sor is, es nagyon orultem, mert sok olyan szamot enekelt amit ismertem, igaz, dalszovegek tekinteteben azert eleg nagy a kihivas, de probalom oket megjegyezni. Meg par ev es okek leszunk. :-)

2 oras volt a koncert, utana pedig lemetunk a partra enni valamit, illetve en inni caipiranhat mert (mino borzalom) a stadionban csak vodkat, sort es whiskyt arultak, pedig en ugy ra voltam keszulve, hogy caipirinhaval a kezemben nezem vegig a koncertet. (ebbol vegul whiskyvel a kezemben koncertnezes lett, ami valljuk be, kandallo elott pattogo tuznel meg elmegy, de ide valahogy nem illett, nem is ittam belole tobbet...)

Alabb egy video, a hangulat szerintem jol atjon, ahogy az egesz stadion tancolt es enekelt, illetve kepek. 



Finally! The day of Zeca Pagodinho show has arrived! I have been waiting for this show for months now and it is incredible that what I was watching only on YouTube for years, it`s here now, in front of my eyes, and I have the chance to enjoy it LIVE! :-)

The show was scheduled at 10pm but the opening act, Grupo Tempero literally made a two hours show before Zeca Pagodinho came to the stage around 12.30am. By that time the stadium got full and the atmosphere was really good. 

In this video a man is dancing during the opening act; he feels the rhythm for sure:)


Altough Zeca Pagodinho was promoting his new album (Ser Humano) he did sang other his well known songs making me really happy as I knew not only the songs but some of the lyrics too. 

My only disappointment was that caipirinha was not sold! How came?? I was really prepared to watch the concert with a glass of cold and strong caipirinha in my hand but only beer, vodka and whiskey was on the wine list. Alternatively I had a glass of whiskey but I have to tell it didn't really fit to the event.

After the concert we went to have some snack at the beach (where I finally got my caipirinha portion) and were chatting until almost 5am.

Under below link is some part of the show, I think the good atmosphere is really noticeable. :-)


2015. augusztus 10., hétfő

Apak napja...Father`s day...

Az apak napjat  Braziliaban augusztus masodik hetvegejen tartjak es ebbol az alkalombol Caio iskolaja is rendezett egy kis unnepseget az iskolaudvaron. En azt hittem valami musorral keszulnek majd a gyerekek, de nem, csak jatekok es bufe volt, illetve elo csocso a focipalyan, ahol a figurakat emberek helyettesitettek. 
Caionak nem sok osztalytarsa volt ott, igy nem maradtunk nagyon sokaig. 
A rendezveny utan bementunk a varosba ebedelni es mentunk egy kort Santos turista villamosan (Bonde Turistico) amelyet meg a mult szazadbol hagytak meg (1909-ben avattak fel) es felujitott valtozata visz korbe Santos regi belvarosan, szuk utcain es a hangulatos bohem negyeden. 
Az ut korulbelul 40 percig tart es erinti tobbek kozott a Kavemuzeumot, a Pele muzeumot, elhaladtunk a fogaskereku mellett, ami a domboldalra visz fol (legkozelebb azon is megyunk majd egy kort) es a regi, mult szazadban epult utcacskakat. Korbevonatozva a varos ezen regi reszen az ember kicsit visszarepul a tortenelemben, es annak ellenere, hogy epiteszetileg ez a resz hasonlit Budapest regi epuleteire nekem inkabb a mult szazadi elegancia, (rab)szolgak es a brazil kozeposztaly es elit jut rola eszembe mindig.


In Brazil Father`s day is celebrated on the second Sunday of August. On this occasion we were invited to an event to Caio`s school with fun family activities where mainly dads were involved, such as football, chess, table tennis etc...and a living "table soccer" at the school`s football field.
After the school event we went to lunch, then to ride the Tourist Tram (Bonde Turistico) which is one of the main attractions in Santos. The tram passes through the charming streets of a bohemian neighborhood of the city. The tram was inaugurated in 1909 and nowadays it has been evolved into one of the ways for tourists to explore the historic centre of Santos.
The journey took about 40min and we passed  the Coffee Museum, Pele Museum and the rack railway that leads up to the hill. 
Despite the fact that this part of Santos architecturally resembles the old buildings in Budapest, it always reminds me the elegance of the last century, servants and the Brazilian middle class and elite. 

Apak napja / Father`s Day

Bonde Turistico

Hatterben a Varosi Onkormanyzat epulete / With the Town Hall in the background

Kavemuzeum / Coffee Museum

2015. augusztus 7., péntek

Panelaco, avagy erkelyes tuntetes...Panelaco, the balcony protest...

A "Panelaco", vagyis erkelyes tuntetes egy 2015-ben inditott tuntetessorozat resze, amikor az emberek a jelenlegi kormany ellen valo tiltakozas kifejezesekent az erkelyeken labasokon dobolnak, futyulnek, villanyt kapcsolgatnak es kiabalva kovetelik Dilma Roussef elnok es kormanyanak lemondasat.
A tuntetessorozat celja, hogy a Dilma vezette munkaspartot (PT) vonjak felelossegre az allami korrupcio, a megelhetesi koltsegek es az energiaarak emelkedese miatt. Mindezek a tavaly kirobbant Petrobras botrany es Dilma januari ujravalasztasahoz kapcsolodnak, mert annak ellenere, hogy az elnok igeretet tett arra, hogy minden eszkozzel fellep a korrupcio ellen, az elegedetlenseg egyre csak no az orszagban. 
A Panelaco-ra valo felhivas legtobbszor a kozossegi halon terjed es az elso ilyenfajta demonstracio Dilma marciusi, a nemzetkozi nonap alkalmabol mondott beszedet kovetoen robbant ki. Ezt kovettek az utcai megmozdulasok (Vem Pra Rua - Gyertek ki az utcara!) amit aprilisban es majusban ujabb panelacok kovettek.  

Tegnap en is tanuja voltam egy ilyen mini-megmozdulasnak, es este 9 ora korul arra lettem figyelmes, hogy az emberek az erkelyeken dobolnak, kiabalnak es - jobb szo nincs ra - szidjak Dilmat, a kormanyaval egyutt. (Vai Dilma, Fora Dilma - kb Tunjel el, takarodj Dilma). Eloszor nem tudtam elkepzelni, hogy mi folyik itt, aztan Eclezio elmagyarazta, majd en is utanaolvastam a dolognak. Hat, kabe mintha focimeccsen lettem volna, kiveve a Dilma ellen felhangzo szitkozodast. Az egesz nem tartott 15 percnel tovabb es ha jol tudom tovabbi erkelyes tuntetesekre lehet majd szamitani, igy lesz meg par ilyen hangzavar a tombok kozott.

Az egesz kabe ugy hangzik, mint az alabbi YouTube videon:



"Panelaco", or balcony protest is a part of a series of demonstrations against the government of the re-elected president Dilma Roussef (Worker`s Party, PT) when people shout from their balconies and bang pots and pans.
The Worker`s Party (PT) is the ruling party in Brazil since 2002 however in 2005 a mass corruption scandal erupted regarding the misuse of public funds to buy the support of the parliament. 
In 2014 an even bigger corruption scandal came to the surface, this time involving the state-owned oil extraction company, Petrobras. It was about the moving of billions of dollars from the company to political parties, including Worker`s Party. 
Despite everything, Dilma was re-elected in 2014 and in less than a month after the elections right-wing protestors started demonstrations against her, calling for the start of Impeachment procedure.

The first Panelaco was scheduled in March, after Dilma`s presidential speech celebrating the International`s Women`s Day when she tried to calm down the population by saying that the crisis was temporary. After a call from social networks, thousands of people, from their homes, banged cooking pots, blew horns, flickered the lights and shouted insults against the president (Vai Dilma!, Fora Dilma! - Boo Dilma!, Get out, Dilma!) 
The first Panelaco was followed by other ones in April and May and a third wave of nation-wide protests is announced to take place on the 16 August.

Yesterday I also witnessed a short Panelaco in our blocks. Around 9pm I noticed that people were on their balconies banging pots and flickering lights. First, I couldn`t imagine what they were doing but then Eclezio explained it. Well, it sounded as if Brazil won something important champion league, except the shouting against Dilma. The whole event didn`t take longer than 15min, then everybody returned back to their flat.

Just to have some idea how it sounded, see attached video from YouTube:


2015. augusztus 3., hétfő


A hetvegen ket napra Cosmopolisba utaztunk, rokonlatogatasra. Cosmopolis Sao Paulo allamban van, 217 km-re eszakra Santostol. Ha nincs nagy forgalom, akkor korulbelul 3 ora alatt oda lehet erni, de persze nekunk nem volt ilyen nagy szerencsenk, es mind az oda-, mind pedig a visszautat 5 ora alatt tettuk meg. Pentek este indultunk, es rogton az Imigrantes elejen beragadtunk egy massziv dugoba, ahol majd` egy orat poroszkaltunk, lepesben a kocsisorban Sao Paulo fele ami csak akkor gyorsult fel megint miutan ratertunk a Rodoanel-re. Megfigyeltem, hogy a 217 km alatt osszesen ket benzinkut volt az ut szelen, ezert ha az ember nem figyel es nem teli tankkal indul neki egy-egy utnak es bennragad egy dugoban, konnyen megjarhatja. Ugyanez vonatkozik a WC hasznalatra is.

Este 11 korul erkeztunk meg es szinte azonnal mentunk is aludni mert masnapra egy vizipark volt betervezve es nem akartunk reggel faradtan indulni. 
A vizipark egy maganpark Cosmopolistol nem messze es a csuzdakon kivul van gyerekmedence, felnott medence, mini vidampark dodzsemmel es egy lengo hajoval, valamint egy horgaszto is. Egyaltalan nem volt tomeg mikor odaertunk, igy nem kellett sorban allni semmiert sem es mivel a belepo ara magaban foglalta az osszes csuzdat es jatekot, igy csak a dodzsemeken korulbelul 2-3 orat toltottunk.  Nagyon jo volt, a gyerekekkel egyutt kilencen versenyeztunk es persze mindenki azon volt, hogy minel jobban belemenjen a masikba, igy a terdem egesz jol nezett ki a nap vegere a sok karambol miatt. Caio hol velem, hol Eclezio mellett ult, mi nyomtuk a pedalt, o pedig kormanyozott. 
A lengo hajora csak a fiuk ultek fel, en meg regen kiprobaltam es koszonom eleg is volt belole. (Ebed utan a legizgalmasabb amugy...)
Annak ellenere, hogy jo ido volt, a medencek vize eleg hideg volt, igy ha az ember nem akart vacogni, akkor vagy uszott rendesen, vagy a napon toltotte az idot. Egeszen estig voltuk ott, otthon pedig vacsora utan mindenki kidolt.

Masnap ellatogattunk egy tanyara, ahol Dinho sogaranak a baratnojenek (huhu, de bonyolult) a rokonai elnek es magangazdalkodnak. A tanya (vagy farm) Cosmopolis kulteruleten van, egeszen kozel a varoshoz, igy nincs az a "semmi kozepen" feelingje az embernek, de egeszen nagy teruleten fekszik, es a szantofoldon kivul lovakat, teheneket, baromfikat nevelnek, korulbelul 60 hektaron es ha jol ertettem van egy fafeldolgozo uzemuk is. Egy idos hazaspar a tulajdonos es koruk ellenere (a neni 79 eves) rengeteg fizikai munkat vegeznek, a neni az allatoktol kezdve a funyirason keresztul az egesz farm rendbetartasat vegzi, mindennap hajnalban kel es estig kint van a farmon. Azert en szivesen megneztem volna ahogy vezeti a traktort. :-)

Dinho anyosanak, Zuleikanak aznap volt a szuletesnapja es Simone meglepetestortat sutott neki, amit a farmon, a teraszon adtunk at neki. Sajnos eleg keson erkeztunk a farmra, igy nem maradtunk ott sokaig, mert nem akartunk nagyon keson hazaerni, igy is megvolt az 5 ora, mire vegre a kocsival bekanyarodtunk az utcankba. 

A legkozelebbi kirandulas Holambra-ba lesz, az evente megrendezesre kerulo Expoflora viragkiallitasra megyunk augusztus vegen.


We spent the weekend with family in Cosmopolis which is about 217km far from Santos. In normal circumstances (meaning: without traffic jam) the one can get there in 3 hours driving but we were not such lucky this time so it took us 5 hours to arrive. 
On the way there I noticed that there were only two petrol stations next to the motorway so it is worth to remember that you always have to leave with full tank not to get in trouble and the same attention applies for toilet issues too.

We arrived at 11pm on Friday evening and went straight to bed to avoid tiredness on the next day as we were planning to go to a Water Park which was near Cosmopolis.
The water park was on a farm and it was a private one, operated by people who actually were living there (we saw chickens and other domestic animals in their garden) and included not only slides but had a mini fun park for kids and adults. We spent most of our time riding dodgems and using the slides.
The park was not busy when we were there so we didn`t need to queue at all and it made the entrance fee really worthy. 
I enjoyed riding the dodgems the most - it was great! We raced along with the children and of course, everyone was about to go into the others as much as possible. Well, my knee looks now like a rainbow in different colours because of the many crashes. 
Only the boys tried the swinging boat; I tried it few years ago and it was enough; I don`t like to feel my body leaving the seat even if I know I cannot fall. Not for me, thanks. 
Despite of the very good, warm weather, the water in the swimming pools was pretty cold so if we didn't want to freeze, we had to keep swimming or just enjoy sunbathing at the pool. We left the place after sunset; by that time we arrived home everybody was enough tired to go to sleep straight after dinner except the two girls, Mel and Vanessa. They were awake until 5am next morning watching some videos on YouTube and chatting. 

The next day we went to visit a farm near Cosmopolis. The owner of the farm is an old couple (the lady is 79 years old) and although they live there with their family she keeps everything in her hand. She gets up at sunrise everyday and looks after the farm until sunset. (I would have liked to see her driving a tractor!). If I understood well, they own a woodworking plant too. 

It was Zuleika`s (Dinho`s mother in law) birthday and from this occasion Simone made a surprise birthday cake for her that she gave to her there. Unfortunately we were running a bit late so we didn't spend much time there and left around 5pm. 

Our next trip will be to Holambra at the end of August to see the annual flower festival (Expoflora).

Green Camp vizi- es vidampark / Green Camp fun park

csak a mi csaladunk dodzsemezik / only our family is driving dodgems

horgaszto / a lake for fishing

csuzdak / slides

a Megvalto Krisztus mindenhol / a statue of Jesus Christ can be found everywhere

lengo-hajo / a swinging boat

a tanya / a farm near Cosmopolis

jaca (kenyerfa) fasor / an alley of jaca (jackfruit)

Zuleika meglepetes tortaja / Zuleika`s bday surprise cake

Zuleika and Simone