

2015. szeptember 29., kedd

Bolsa de Cafe - Kavemuzeum...Coffee Museum...

Santos ovarosaban talalhato a Bolsa de Cafe (teljes neven Bolsa Oficial de Cafe), vagyis az egykori Kavetozsde, amelynek az epuleteben most a Museu de Cafe, vagyis a Kavemuzeum talalhato. 

A muzeumnak ket resze van: a foldszinten talalhato az egykori tozsde szalon, ahol a kaveugyleteket bonyolitottak, illetve egy kavezo, ahol idokozonkent meghivott muveszek adnak zenes estet, es ahol barista tanfolyamokat is szerveznek.

A kavetozsde terme mogott Benedito Calixto 19. szazadi festo festmenyei lathatok, ezek kozul ketto Santos varos kikotojet abrazolja 1822 es 1922-bol, a harmadik kep pedig Santos varos alapitasat orokitette meg 1525-bol. 

Az emeleti muzeumi resz kulonfele kiallitasoknak ad helyet. Ottjartunkkor, az allando kavetorteneti kiallitason kivul,  ket tovabbi fotokiallitas is helyet kapott, az egyik az  "Imigrantes do Cafe" amely az europai bevandorlok hetkoznapjait mutatja be 1910 korul. Akkoriban a santosi kikotot jelentette Brazilia kapuit a bevandorlok elott, a kiallitas pedig archiv felveteleken mutatja be a munkajukat a kaveultetvenyeken. 

A masik fotokiallitas, a "Feito a Mao" magarol a kavekeszites folyamatarol osszeallitott fekete-feher kepsorozat; a fotos ket even at, tobb allamban keszitett fotokat es az ezekbol osszevalogatott kepekbol nyilt most kiallitas.

A muzeum utan termeszetesen megittunk egy csesze kavet a foldszinten levo kavezoban; Eclezionak sikerult egy olyan meregeros eszpresszot rendelnie ami sajna kifogott rajta (vagyis talan a vernyomasaval), en szerencsere a szokasos tejes kavemat kertem ami valami isteni finom volt, foleg, hogy tejszinhabot is kertem a tetejere :-)


The imposing building where the Bolsa Oficial de Cafe (the former coffee stock exchange) operated in Santos is a host today to one of the most interesting museums you will visit in Brazil: the Museu do Cafe (coffee museum).

For decades, Santos was the HQ for the ever important coffee-producing sector of the Brazilian economy. On the first half of the 20th century coffee was the main source of wealth for Brazil. Big panels at the museum show scenes from daily life at the turn of the century. 

The museum is divided in two halves. First you will visit the salon where coffee stocks were negotiated. On the ceiling there`s a spectacular stained glass by local artist Benedito Calixto. On an adjacent room several panels and utensils tell the story of coffee.

Behind the salon there are huge paintings hanging on the wall showing the port of Santos in 1822 and one hundred year later, in 1922. Another painting shows Santos city founded in 1545. 

The first floor of the museum contains panels and all sorts of tools and items related to the history of coffee in Brazil as well as gives place for exhibitions. 

Currently there are two exhibitions have been running on the first floor: "Imigrantes do Cafe" which portrays the daily life of immigrants arrived through the Port of Santos, which was the country`s main gateway, in 1910. Archive photos show immigrants from several countries who worked on coffee plantations between 1910 and 1920. 

The other exhibition is the "Feito a Mao" which features photographs about the manual work on coffee fields and coffee making facilities. A photographer visited numerous farms across the country and a selected collection is shown nowadays.

I took some pictures of those archive photos and found pretty interesting to see "behind the scenes", how people were living in the past centuries and when European immigrants started to "invade" Brazil. 


Bolsa de Cafe
A regi kavetozsde epulete, ma muzeum / The building of coffee stock exchange; today operates as coffee musem

Ide jegyeztek fel a megkotott ugyleteket / This table was used to note the deals were agreed

Benedito Calixto altal tervezett olomuveg mennyezet / The stained glass ceiling by local artist Benedito Calixto

A Kavetozsde terme / The Coffee Stock Exchange salon

A kavetozsde terme az emeletrol / View of the Coffee Stock Exchange salon from the second floor

A mennyezet az elso emeleten (olyan mint egy torta) / The ceiling on the first floor (like a cake)

Az epulet terasza / The balcony of the building

Kavecserjek / Coffee plants

Kavetorteneti muzeum / Coffee history

Kulonbozo kavefajtak / Different types of coffee beans

Kavebab az 1900-as evek elejerol / Coffee benas from the beginning of the 1900`s 

Santos varos kikotoje 1822-ben / The Port of Santos in 1822

Szaz evvel kesobb,1922-ben / One hundred years later in 1922

Santos varos alapitasa 1545-ben / Santos was founded in 1545

Kiallitas #1: Imigrantes do Cafe / Exhibition #1: Imigrantes do Cafe

Bevandorlok erkeznek 1910 korul / Immigrants arrive to Brazil in 1910

Nemet bevandorlok 1910 korul / German immigrants in 1910

Egy helyi iskola 1910 korul / A local school in 1910

Egy helyi mozi 1910 korul / A local cinema in 1910

A kavetermeles archiv kepeken / The coffee production on archive photos

Kiallitas #2: "Feito a Mao" / Exhibition #2: "Feito a Mao"

A kikotoben levo epulet regen... / The building at the port long time ago...

...es ma /...and now

1888: Alairjak a torvenyt amely megszunteti a rabszolgasagot / 1888: Signing the law to abolish slavery

Egy kis meregeros eszpresszo / An extremely strong espresso

2015. szeptember 25., péntek

Fenn a hegyen...Up on the hill...

A hetvege idojaras szempontjabol tokeletesre sikerult, mivel szombaton pont eleg meleg volt ahhoz, hogy uszni lehessen lent a medenceben, vasarnap pedig eppen csak annyit hult le a levego, hogy egy jo kis kirandulashoz legyen kedve az embernek.
Atautoztunk tehat Sao Vicentbe, egyenesen fel az Itarare dombra (ahova egyebkent legutoljara libegovel mentunk) ahonnan csodalatos kilatas nyilik Sao Vicentre es reszben a Santos varos altal korbehatarolt obolre. 
Itt uzemel egy sarkanyrepulos klub, es az obol folott szinte allandoan latni sarkanyosokat; neha annyian vannak a levegoben, hogy lentrol ugy tunik barmikor osszeutkozhetnek. Egyszer-ketszer azert lattunk erdekes manovereket amugy, mert tenyleg nagyon kozel kerultek egymashoz a repulosok. 
A dombteton eppen csak annyi terulet van levalasztva a kozonseg elol, hogy a sarkanyrepulosok neki tudjanak futni a repulesnek, amugy kozelrol lehet oket csodalni, meg borzongani, meg ujjongani attol fuggoen, hogy ki hogyan all hozza a repuleshez. Eclezio persze teljesen odavan erte, es nagyon szeretne kiprobalni, es szerintem hamarosan erre is sor kerul. Egy repules 200 R$, nem tul olcso, de egy egyszeri elmenynek boven belefer. 

Keszitettem nehany videot a repulosokrol, itt vannak a linkek:



The weather was just perfect last weekend for doing an excursion up to the Itarare Hill in Sao Vicente and see some paragliding. A paragliding club operates there and last Sunday there were plenty of para-gliders in the sky; it looked like giant mosquitoes all over the sky where the eye could see. We saw some dangerous maneuvers too and from far it looked like those gliders could crash in any minute. 
The view from the hill is wonderful; you can see the whole coast of Sao Vicente and some part of the bay of Santos city. 
Only a small part of the field is separated so the para-gliders can run and take off; otherwise the audience has a full view of the coast and the ocean.
Eclezio is crazy for flying and he wants to try paragliding too; the cost of one flying is R$200, not very cheap, but for a one off occasion it is manageable.

I recorded some videos about the para-gliders; link are below:


2015. szeptember 17., csütörtök

Agata (Kriszti)...Agata (Christie)...

Van egy macskank, ugy hivjak, hogy Agata. Mult heten kaptuk egy nenitol, akinek amugy Agatan kivul meg 13 macskaja van otthon, igy szegeny cica inditasnak rogton kapott egy kis zuhanyt mikor bekoltozott hozzank. Nem tettuk azert rogton be a viz ala, hanem ilyen macskaknak valo zseles "szarazsamponnal" toroltuk at, hogy ne az elozo helyrol hozott (pisi) szagot hurcolassza vegig a lakason. 
Agata olyan 5-6 honapos lehet most, es nagyon kedves, baratsagos nosteny cica. A neven hosszan gondolkoztunk, valahogy semmilyen nev nem passzolt az arcahoz. Eloszor volt Gizella (roviden Gizi), aztan Jessica, majd egy nap, amikor Caio hazajott az iskolabol, elmeselte, hogy van egy osztalytarsa, az Agata...es akkor hopp! Hirtelen meglett a macska neve. Ugyanis a lanycica portugalul gata. Az "egy lanycica" pedig ugy forditando, hogy "a gata". Osszeolvasva pedig kezenfekvo volt, hogy ezentul Agata-nak hivjuk, mivel lany is, cica is, egyszeri is. A Kriszti pedig csak poen, vagy ha ugy tetszik, azt kapta a keresztsegben.
Mar megvan neki a napi rutinja: reggel aktiv (korbe-korbe rohangal a lakasban), aztan delelott pihen egy kicsit, delben ismet aktiv, majd a delutant atalussza es csak estere elenkul fel ismet (ismet nyargalaszas a nappaliban). Ejszaka (gondolom a macskakra jellemzoen) nem sokat alszik, inkabb ellenorzi a teruletet es jatszik. Szobacica lett, de ennek ellenere mar most hasmenest kapott valamitol (talan a masfajta kaja es a kezdeti "furdetes" miatt), igy elterveztuk, hogy elvisszuk orvoshoz, de mire odajutottunk a macskanak elmult a hasmenese es minden rendben volt vele. 
A macskakra altalaban nem lehet raeroltetni dolgokat, maguk valasztjak ki a helyet ahol pihenni szeretnenek napkozben, es a pihenesre alkalmas dobozt, parnat, takarot, szonyeget stb...Ez nalunk is igy tortent, a ket legdragabb beruhazasra  amire az allatkereskedesben koltottunk (a macskakosar es a macskaparna) Agata ra se szarik, o inkabb egy labtorlon, vagy egy szeken erzi jol magat napkozben, a kanape aljabol pedig nemes egyszeruseggel kiragott egy lyukat es abban alszik ejszaka.
Alapvetoen viszont szerintem okos cica, legalabbis egyelore ugy tunik, hamar megerti a szabalyokat, nem nyavog a csukott ajtok elott, vagy ha nem szabad valahova felmasznia es levesszuk onnan, egy-ket kiserlet utan feladja.
Estenkent TV nezes kozben mindig odajon hozzank es akkor teljesen kinyulva elvezi, ahogy simogatjuk, vagy kivalasztja valamelyik labdajat es azt uldozi. 
Caio is jokat jatszik vele, a macska neha hajlando bujocskazni is, ha eppen olyan a kedve, de barmikor engedi magat simogatni vagy dogonyozni; nem tudom kesobb szeszelyesebb lesz-e. 
Nagyon-nagyon kivancsi termeszet, barmelyik szobaban is tartozkodunk elobb-utobb megjelenik es ellenorzi mi van. Ha semmi kulonos, akkor el is hagyja a szobat. De ha atmegyunk egyik helyisegbol a masikba akkor azonnal feltunik megint, megall az ajtoban es figyel par percig mielott visszavonul. 
Az utobbi idoben a macska raszokott arra, hogy reggel 6-kor ebreszt minket, hangosan nyavog a nappali kozepen, hogy valaki jojjon vele jatszani. Ennek azert annyira nem orulok, foleg, hogy meg ha mi Eclezioval figyelmen kivul is hagyjuk a nyavogast, Caio biztosan felebred ra es kijon a szobajabol szorakoztatni ot. Azert remelem, ez nem lesz most mar mindig igy...


We have a cat, her name is Agata. We got her from a lady who already had 13 other cats so upon the cat`s arrival she had a shower just to avoid to spread the previous flat`s smell everywhere. We used a jelly based "dry" cat shampoo, which didn`t require water but gave a nice fragrance to our cat. 
She is now about 5-6 months old and she is very friendly and kind. We were thinking about how to name her for long time because somehow none of the usual cat names matched to her face. We tried to call her on a Hungarian name, Gizella, a British (or American) name Jessica until one day when Caio arrived from school and started to talk about one of his classmate, Agata...and then the coin dropped! Agata will be her name. Because in Portuguese a female cat is called "a gata" so it was obvious that as she is female and a cat, so she will be called Agata. 
She likes to be close to us so she spends most of her time on the sofa in the living room.
She already has her daily routine: she is active in the morning, then takes her nap and sleeps through the afternoon just to have enough energy for the evening and night activity. So, ours and the cat`s daily routine doesn't really match at the moment...
Cats usually cannot be forced to use a certain place to rest; they pick a place based on their actual mood or room temperature or light or the position of the Moon whatever...Hence the most two expensive things we spent on (a dark and soft sleeping basket and a sleeping pillow) seem to be totally useless as currently the cat totally ignores them. We tried to put them to different places, placed her toys inside and even used a spray called "CatNip" to make their smell more attractive but no luck; she just doesn't care those things. 
She is very curious; she appears everywhere where she can notice us. She loves keeping her eyes on everything; sometimes I feel like I lost my privacy with having this cat around all the time! Of course, when SHE wants to be alone, she disappears, and no one can find her. 
Since the flat is considered to be her territory she walks around more times a day and keeps an eye on her property. She also loves observing us: she stops at the door and just watches us for minutes. Then she leaves.
She sometimes wakes up in the morning around 6am and starts to meow loudly in the living room, calling us to wake up and play with her. Well, hope this habit of her will change as I really don`t feel like doing this activity every morning...
All in all, we are very happy for this little kitty, she is really a kind piece of cake without any special bad habits.