

2015. október 13., kedd


Amikor Brazilia, mint orszag szoba kerul, a legtobben rogton a szambara, focira, palmafakra, bikinis, szorfos lanyokra, meg esetleg a rioi Krisztus szoborra asszocialunk mikozben elfelejtjuk, hogy Brazilia tulajdonkeppen egy hatalmas multikulti orszag, ahol a gyarmatositas es a jelenkori migraciok hagyta kulturalis nyomok lepten-nyomon fellelhetok.

Holambrat 1948-ban alapitottak katolikus holland bevandorlok, neve a Holland-America-Brazil orszagnevekbol allo mozaik. Nepessege korulbelul 11 ezer, es varosi statuszra egy 1991-ben torteno nepszavazast kovetoen, csak 1993-ban emelkedett.
A bevandorlok eredetileg teheneket is atszallitottak Europabol, azok azonban nem eltek tul a meleget es a tropusi betegsegeket sertes- es baromfitenyesztesre. Az evek soran a hangsuly azonban a mezogazdasagrol a kerteszet fele tolodott es ehhez kapcsolodik az evente megrendezesre kerulo Expoflora kiallitas is (http://www.expoflora.com.br/).

Holambra Santostol kabe 225 km-re eszakra fekszik, eljutni oda olyan 3-4 ora autout, beleszamitva a kaveszunetet is. Szandekosan koran indultunk, hogy elkeruljuk a dugokat, igy osszesen 3,5 ora alatt ertunk oda. Maga a varos nem fekszik tul nagy teruleten, es par ora alatt az osszes latnivalo bejarhato.

A varos bejaratat egy gyonyoru boltiv disziti, az 1948-as varosalapitas emlekere. Mi rogton a varos setaloutcajaba mentunk (Passeio Turistico), ahol holland motivumokkal diszitett hazak, ajandekboltok, kezmuves boltok es ettermek talalhatok, valamint egy hatalmas kerteszet ahol rengeteg novenyt, viragot es facsemetet arulnak. Mindenhol fellelhetoek a tulipan motivumok, a narancssarga szinek es a legtobb informacio ki van irva hollandul is. A varos 100%-ban orzi a holland orokseget, az utcak rendezettek, a parkok apoltak, az autok lassan hajtanak a Tulipan Sugaruton; nagyon mas erzes volt ott setalni es ezuttal nem foglalkozni annyit a kozbiztonsaggal.
Egyebkent sok utcanak van viragneve, peldaul Orchidea utca, Begonia utca, Hortenzia utca Dalia utca vagy Amarilisz utca.

A setaloutca utan a Szelmalmot (Moinho Holandes) neztuk meg, amit 2008-ban, holland mintara epitettek. Megnyitasakor egy idokapszulat helyeztek el benne, amelyben holland bevandorlok uzenetei vannak az utokor szamara es elvileg 100 ev mulva tervezik eloszor felnyitni azt.
Nem messze tole talalhato a Viktoria ter (Praca Vitoria Regia), amely a Tulipan sugarut melletti to partjan fekszik es ahol hosszu, nyugodt setakat lehet tenni.

Az Expoflorat, vagyis a viragkiallitast minden evben megrendezik es egy honapig tart. Erre egy kulon teruletet tartanak fenn es az utcacskakat szinten holland mintara keszult hazak diszitik.

Az egesz varos es annak nevezetessegei egy delutan alatt bejarhatok. nagyon erdekes volt belecsoppenni egy kis Europaba, itt, Brazilian belul. :-) 


When we talk about something Brazilian, most of people mean samba, football, beach, hot weather and Rio de Janeiro. In fact Brazil is a real multicultural country due to the wide range of immigration waves and the mixed races from all over the world. 

Holambra was established in 1948, by Dutch immigrants and local Brazilians. The name of the city comes from the initials of Holland-America-Brazil country names. After the second World War Holland was not as rich as nowadays. Many families, particularly from the countryside, didn't have a bright perspective in their country and wanted to emigrate. Brazil was one of the options for some of them due to the catholic religion of the country. 

The Brazilian governments were offering to the Dutch immigrants 5,000 hectares of land in the interior of the State of Sao Paulo to bring along herds of Dutch cattle, famous for their milk production. The original intention was to start farms which would provide high quality dairy products for the State of Sao Paulo.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. The cattle, brought from the temperated climate of Europe, didn't adapt well in the warm Brazil, and was also severely attacked by tropical diseases. The Dutch, then, started to work with chickens and pigs, and cultivate several crops.
Eventually, the cultures moved to a product typical from Holland: flowers. Today, no other place in Brazil produces flowers comparable to those of Holambra, be it in variety or in quality. The production is, auctioned through the Veilling Holambra, one of the most sophisticated in the world; the output is the largest in Latin America; most of the flowers are exported.

Roses, tulips, orchids and other plants are the highlights during the Expoflora, a traditional fair that is held in September. The town offers visits to flower farms and garden centers

Holambra is about 225 km (3,5 hours drive) from Santos. In order to avoid traffic jam, we left very early and arrived to the city center just around lunchtime. As Expoflora was already over, the streets were relatively empty, so we could enjoy the Passeio Turistico, the main street for tourists with lots of gift shops, restaurants and houses of artisans. 

The Dutch influence is present in everything, the streets are very tidy and well kept and most of them have flower names (for example Orchid, Begonia, Dalia street or Tulip avenue). Drivers drive slowly and let you cross the streets (which is actually way not common in most of the part of Brazil) and public safety is very good.

Near the city center there is the Moinho Holandes, the Dutch Windmill, which was built in typical Dutch style and opened in 2008 as a tourist attraction. It is 38m tall and has ten floors. It is said that there is a time capsule hidden in the Mill which includes messages by the Dutch immigrants and it is scheduled to open for the first time after 100 years only. 

The Expoflora Park is placed in a separate area where Flower Exhibition is placed every year for a month starting in September. 

Walking around the city gave me that very interesting feeling that I was a bit out of Brazil and got a little bit of Europe, a piece of my homeland.

Bejarat / Entrance

Kezmuveshaz es kerteszet / House of artisans and garden

Passeio Turistico

Praca Vitoria Regia

Moinho Holandes

Az Expoflora terulete / The area of the Expoflora

...es a vegere: egy Cadillac az autopalyan :-) / ...and to the end: a Cadillac passing by on the motorway

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